Growing for good through vocational training
Prospect Meadow Farm
Our therapeutic, vocational farming programs in Hatfield and Pittsfield provide meaningful employment and daily activities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, many of whom also have mental health challenges.
Raising market crops and caring for the animals, participants contribute in a meaningful way to the rich agricultural life of the Pioneer Valley.
We build on the experience and interests of each participant, helping them develop vocational skills they may apply to their work at the farm and elsewhere.
Through regular workshops, training from job coaches, and hands-on experience gained from serving on work crews, program participants become experienced and knowledgeable in farm work and other careers in agriculture.

Supported Employment
PAID (Productive, Able, Invested and Determined) is a farm-based “first job” supported employment program that provides participants with meaningful paid work plus training in the soft and hard skills required to be successful in any career.
PAID is designed for individuals who have been successful at holding to commitments and maintaining a positive attitude in an employment or educational setting, and who are interested in at least 3 hours a day of physically demanding outdoor work.
Paid employment at the farm ranges from animal care to field work to customer service. It also includes working at our farm store, the Rooster Cafe, which uses many of our own farm products.

Community-Based Day Support
FARM (Friendships & Activities Really Matter) is a farm- and community-based active lifestyle day program focused on outdoor adventures and experiential learning through short-term employment experiences.
Designed for individuals who are interested in farming, outdoor recreation, working with animals, and making friends, FARM helps participants build social skills, endurance, and physical fitness as they prepare to achieve their personal and vocational goals.
Referral Process
Program participants at the farm must be eligible for services through the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and must be referred by their DDS caseworker or their school’s special education department.
Volunteers and Interns Program (VIP)
The farm’s volunteers and interns work with staff to design opportunities that fit their interests and the farm’s needs.
Responsibilities range from animal care, gardening, landscaping, and mentoring; to administrative functions such as crop planning and data entry.
Positions are limited, and the farm seeks volunteers with advanced skills related to farming, culinary services, and/or human services.

Farm Products
Farm Shares
Community supported agriculture (CSA) connects Prospect Meadow Farm with our community by inviting local residents to purchase a share of our summer season’s crops.
As a member, your contribution will support our work while also filling your table with delicious fresh produce. The shares provide a family of four with fruit, vegetables, and eggs for 19 weeks, from June to October.
Each summer, we also include two pounds of pork products.
Click here to order your CSA Share now!
Farm Fresh Eggs
We have over 400 egg layers and maintain wholesale accounts at many local retailers. Chickens raised on the farm have full access to the outdoors, are fed an all-natural, locally purchased feed, and live in spacious coops. Our eggs can be found at some local markets and at our Prospect Meadow Farm Store, 249 West Street in Hatfield.
Wholesale Shiitake Mushrooms
We are one of the largest producers of organic log-raised shiitake mushrooms in the Pioneer Valley with more than 2,000 logs in production. Our shiitakes can be purchased at the Prospect Meadow Farm Store and in local markets. For information about wholesale purchase of packaged, dehydrated shiitake mushrooms, please contact Shawn Robinson at srobinson@servicenet.org.
Rooster Cafe & Catering Services
Available throughout the Pioneer Valley for small and large gatherings, our catering service uses fresh, locally grown products straight from the farm in Hatfield whenever possible.
Check out our Rooster Cafe menu for a variety of hand-prepared lunches that cater to every taste.
Mommy's Little Farm Girl-Children's Book
A children’s book, illustrated by Dani Rizzo, tells the story of a little girl helping her mother with farm chores. The book is inspired by ServiceNet’s Prospect Meadow Farm. Proceeds from the book will will be donated to the farm.
Click on the book below to purchase your copy.