Living in Recovery Held Overdose Awareness Day Memorial and Vigil in Recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day
Living In Recovery, supported by ServiceNet, hosted an Overdose Awareness Day Memorial and Vigil on August 31 in Pittsfield, MA. The event included a candlelight vigil and 62 seconds of silence honoring the 62 overdoses in Berkshire County in the last year.
The event was held in recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day.
Read coverage of the event from local media outlets:
“They came together in Pittsfield to honor loved ones lost to opioids. And to say their names,” Berkshire Eagle
“Community Honors Loved Ones on Overdose Awareness Day,”
“On International Overdose Awareness Day, Berkshire County faces yet another year of rising overdose deaths,” WAMC Northeast Public Radio
Living in Recovery
Living In Recovery, established in 2018 in loving memory of Joseph R. Botz, provides a variety of non-clinical, peer-led support, educational, and social options for individuals in recovery.
Community members share their time and talent to increase the quantity and quality of social activities, community events, training, and workshops offered to the recovery community. Emphasis is on making the recovery experience interesting, fun, and sustainable.
Living in Recovery supports all pathways and stages of recovery and is a recognized member of the national Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) at Faces & Voices of Recovery.
Living in Recovery is located on the 2nd floor of 81 Linden Street (George B Crane Memorial Center) in Pittsfield, MA.
For more information, call (413)-570-8243.